Q1: Is my dream really my dream?

The question above has been a journey all of itself, for me.  i_am

You see, I started my life as a scientist. I thought that I wanted to be a scientist, in fact I thought that I wanted to be a doctor. I truly did. It is only on learning about myself and who I am, what excites me and what makes me tick, that I realised that was probably the worst choice ever for me.

The difficulty was that people linked intelligence with the Maths/Sciences. In fact after being a scientist I moved into Maths/Science teaching, a much more humanistic role and a role that suited my personality much more, but still a Maths/Science role.  I got a mixture of responses, from both family and friends on my career change. One that stood out was ‘Why would you become a teacher? What a waste of your intellect!’.

So as I began my journey of self discovery, many people saw me as a failure, or wasting away my talent.

What I have discovered though, after many years of soul searching and career changes is that I am essentially creative, I am a people person, I am an altruist and I am a born teacher. All of these attributes together bring me to the beginning of my next journey: to birth my new dream.

Who are you? What makes you tick, what excites you and makes you want to get up each morning? The answers to these questions is the beginning of your dream.

Can my dreams take flight?

balloonsrunskygirlsunlight-fe0cfe421a561fe0bdfd691cc89120b6_hA man wanting to get pregnant, no matter how much he wants it, will find it next to impossible (unless he pays a lot of money to be part of some experimental research or he is transgender like this man.) to achieve.

So continuing my analogy on wanting to get pregnant to the right dream so it can grow and cultivate, I too need to be practical. Is my dream achievable?

John Maxwell says there are 10 questions you should ask yourself to see if your dream can become a reality.

1. The Ownership Question:     Is my dream really my dream?

2. The Clarity Question:            Do I clearly see my dream?

3. The Reality Question:            Are the factors to achieve my dream within my control ?

4. The Passion Question:           Does my dream compel me to follow it?

5. The Pathway Question:         Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?

6. The People Question:           Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?

7. The Cost Question:                Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?

8. The Tenacity Question:         Am I moving closer to my dream?

9. The Fulfillment Question:     Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?

10. The Significance Question:  Does my dream benefit others?

As I reflect on these over the next week or so, I encourage you to also reflect on your dreams.